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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Healthy body workout plan

         Healthy Body Workout Plan

 Yoga has the vital role in healthy body. You should do exercise daily and spend some time in Gym or in the Park for freshness of Air. Walking, jumping and running are some of the main or we can say the soft exercises for the body.
One can join sports academy.
Cut out junk food
Use daily exercise
                               Week one
1.  40 jumping, 10 push ups, 30 crunches
2.  40 high kees, 30 lungs, 30 sec plank
3.  40 jumping, 15 push ups, 30 squats
4.  40 high kees, 30 lungs, 15 push ups
5.  20 squats, 30 planks jack's, 20 Burpees
6.  5 minutes jog, 12 minutes stretch
7.  Reset

1 comment:

  1. What are high kees? Is it supposed to be high knees? Or is this something new and different.
